12900 Preston Road, Suite 700
Dallas, Texas 75230
T 972.233.8242
F 972.233.7362
Proposal One: Following the list of nominees, note that “the nominees have agreed to serve if they are elected and have consented to their names beings printed in the proxy statement.”
Page 12, end of first paragraph – Note if the committee members are “interested” or “independent.”
Page 13 (see Page 18 of redline version), 10b5-1 Plans paragraph should be moved from this section to a more prominent place, e.g. after Other Business on page 3.
Page 31 (see page 37 of redline version), the first sentence in the third paragraph, “We believe that the information….” Delete this sentence completely or explain how the information demonstrates that the program was designed appropriately.
Page 32 (see page 38 of redline version). Why are we increasing the number of authorized shares far in excess of that needed for the 4:1 split? In your response letter, please note if you see any price pressure or other risks to the common shares by having an overhang of nearly 10 million shares over the issued and outstanding after the stock split. If you don’t see any risks just state so.
The title of Proposal Four should be amended to include “…..STOCK SPLIT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE CURRENTLY CONTEMPLATED.” (See last sentence in 3rd paragraph on page 32 – see page 38 of redline version). In your letter please state if any other purposes are currently contemplated for the huge increase in the number of shares of common stock.
Do we issue any fractional shares? If so, it needs to be explained somewhere in the proxy what happens to fractional shares – are they given the same 4:1 treatment?
It should be clearly stated somewhere in the proxy what registered certificate holders are required to do. Do they need to surrender their current certificates? What action, if any, do they need to take with regards to their certificates?
the Company is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in the filings;
staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments in the filings reviewed by the staff do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing; and
the Company may not assert staff comments as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the United States.