Capital Southwest Corporation
                          12900 Preston Road, Suite 700
                               Dallas, Texas 75230

(214) 233-8242  Telephone                                    Fax (214) 233-7362

                                 August 9, 1996

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 5th Street, N.W.
Judiciary Plaza
Washington, DC  20549


Pursuant to regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, submitted for
filing on behalf of Capital Southwest Corporation is the Company's Form 10-Q for
the quarter ended June 30, 1996.

This filing is being effected by direct  transmission to the Commission's  EDGAR


                                                     Susan Patterson


                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the Quarter Ended June 30, 1996              Commission File Number: 814-61

                          CAPITAL SOUTHWEST CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Texas                                                75-1072796
(State or other Jurisdiction of                             (I.R.S. Employer
Incorporation or Organization)                            Identification Number)

               12900 Preston Road, Suite 700, Dallas, Texas 75230
           (Address of principal executive offices including zip code)

                                 (214) 233-8242
               (Registrant's telephone number including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  periods that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                           Yes   X           No ___

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

       3,767,051 shares of Common Stock, $1 Par Value as of July 31, 1996

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.    Financial Statements

                 Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition

Assets                                          June 30, 1996     March 31, 1996
                                                -------------     --------------
Investments at market or fair value
 Companies more than 25% owned
  (Cost: June 30, 1996 - $21,480,361,
  March 31, 1996 - $21,480,361)                 $195,575,920       $191,043,920
 Companies 5% to 25% owned
  (Cost: June 30, 1996 - $21,750,404,
  March 31, 1996 - $18,750,404)                   21,879,542         19,633,672
 Companies less than 5% owned
  (Cost: June 30, 1996 - $18,313,335,
  March 31, 1996 - $18,313,335)                   55,228,659         46,252,869
                                                -------------      -------------
Total investments
  (Cost: June 30, 1996 - $61,544,100,
  March 31, 1996 - $58,544,100)                  272,684,121        256,930,461
Cash and cash equivalents                         13,903,074         67,045,185
Receivables                                          365,187            285,002
Other assets                                       2,819,636          2,711,802
                                               -------------      -------------
  Totals                                        $289,772,018       $326,972,450
                                                ============       ============

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity

Note payable to bank                            $          -       $ 50,000,000
Accrued interest and other liabilities             1,634,459          1,669,839
Income taxes payable                               6,050,730          6,050,730
Deferred income taxes                             73,685,128         69,204,128
Subordinated debentures                           11,000,000         11,000,000
                                               --------------     --------------
  Total liabilities                               92,370,317        137,924,697
                                               --------------     --------------

Shareholders' equity
 Common stock, $1 par value: authorized,
  5,000,000 shares; issued, 4,204,416 shares
  at June 30, 1996 and March 31, 1996              4,204,416          4,204,416
 Additional capital                                4,813,121          4,813,121
 Undistributed net investment income               4,553,662          4,490,374
 Undistributed net realized gain on investments   53,307,782         53,307,782
 Unrealized appreciation of investments -
  net of deferred income taxes                   137,556,022        129,265,362
 Treasury stock - at cost (437,365 shares)        (7,033,302)        (7,033,302)
                                               --------------     --------------
 Net assets at market or fair value, equivalent
  to $52.40 per share at June 30, 1996, and
  $50.18 per share at March 31, 1996 on the
  3,767,051 shares outstanding                   197,401,701        189,047,753
                                                -------------      -------------
 Totals                                         $289,772,018       $326,972,450
                                                 ============       ============

                (See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements)

                          CAPITAL SOUTHWEST CORPORATION
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                      Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                         Three Months Ended
                                                               June 30
                                                        1996              1995
                                                        ----              ----
Investment income:
 Interest                                           $ 369,947        $  527,053
 Dividends                                            802,484           645,654
 Management and directors' fees                       157,100           140,550
                                                   -----------       -----------
                                                    1,329,531         1,313,257

Operating expenses:
 Interest                                             235,613           236,709
 Salaries                                             190,271           179,599
 Net pension expense (benefit)                        (52,175)          (60,358)
 Other operating expenses                             121,124           120,660
                                                   -----------       -----------
                                                      494,833           476,610
                                                   -----------       -----------

Income before income taxes                            834,698           836,647
Income tax expense                                     18,000            21,000
                                                   -----------       -----------

Net investment income                              $  816,698        $  815,647
                                                   ===========        ==========

Increase in unrealized appreciation
 of investments before income taxes                12,753,660         4,019,868
Increase in deferred income taxes on
 appreciation of investments                        4,463,000         1,407,000
                                                  ------------        ----------
Net increase in unrealized
 appreciation of investments                        8,290,660         2,612,868
                                                  ------------        ----------
Net realized and unrealized gain
 on investments                                   $ 8,290,660        $2,612,868
                                                   ===========        ==========

Increase in net assets from operations            $ 9,107,358        $3,428,515
                                                   ===========        ==========

                (See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements)

                          CAPITAL SOUTHWEST CORPORATION
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets

                                           Three Months Ended       Year Ended
                                              June 30, 1996       March 31, 1996
                                              -------------       --------------

 Net investment income                        $   816,698         $   2,854,917
 Net realized gain on investments                       -            11,174,025
 Net increase in unrealized appreciation
  of investments before distributions           8,290,660            38,745,668
                                               -----------          ------------
 Increase in net assets from operations
  before distributions                          9,107,358            52,774,610

Distributions from:
 Undistributed net investment income             (753,410)           (2,253,831)
 Undistributed net realized gain on investments         -              (153,376)
 Unrealized appreciation of investments                 -            (9,264,304)

Capital share transactions
 Exercise of employee stock options                     -               574,750
                                              -------------         ------------

Increase in net assets                          8,353,948            41,677,849

Net assets, beginning of period               189,047,753           147,369,904
                                              ------------          ------------

Net assets, end of period                    $197,401,701          $189,047,753
                                              ============          ============

                (See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements)

                          CAPITAL SOUTHWEST CORPORATION
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                         Three Months Ended
                                                               June 30
                                                         1996            1995
                                                         ----            ----
Cash flows from operating activities
Increase in net assets from operations                $9,107,358     $3,428,515
Adjustments to reconcile increase in net
  assets from operations before distributions
  to net cash provided  by operating activities:
  Depreciation and amortization                           10,471          7,608
  Net pension benefit                                    (52,175)       (60,358)
  Net realized and unrealized gain
     on investments                                   (8,290,660)    (2,612,868)
  Increase in receivables                                (80,185)       (12,249)
  Increase in other assets                               (33,315)       (32,245)
  Decrease in accrued interest and
     other liabilities                                   (68,195)       (48,777)
  Deferred income taxes                                   18,000         21,000
                                                     -------------  ------------
Net cash provided by operating activities                611,299        690,626
                                                     -------------  ------------

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchases of securities                               (3,000,000)             -
Maturities of securities                                       -        110,669
                                                      ------------  ------------
Net cash provided (used) by investing activities      (3,000,000)       110,669
                                                      ------------  ------------

Cash flows from financing activities
Decrease in note payable to bank                     (50,000,000)             -
Distributions from undistributed net
  investment income                                     (753,410)      (747,010)
                                                      ------------  ------------
Net cash used by financing activities                (50,753,410)      (747,010)
                                                      ------------  ------------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash
  equivalents                                        (53,142,111)        54,285
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
  of period                                           67,045,185      8,372,976
                                                      ------------   -----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period           $13,903,074     $8,427,261
                                                      ===========     ==========

Supplemental  disclosure of cash flow  information: 
 Cash paid during the period for:
  Interest                                           $   200,548     $  199,452
  Income taxes                                       $         -     $        -

                (See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements)

           (wholly-owned subsidiary of Capital Southwest Corporation)
                        Statement of Financial Condition
                                  June 30, 1996


Investments at market or fair value
     Companies more than 25% owned (Cost - $4,295,737)              $44,416,862
     Companies 5% to 25% owned (Cost - $3,814,816)                    5,359,771
     Companies less than 5% owned (Cost - $9,260,982)                27,708,376
      Total investments (Cost - $17,371,535)                         77,485,009
Cash and cash equivalents                                            10,172,434
Interest and dividends receivable                                       118,713
Other assets                                                             60,488
 Total                                                              $87,836,644
Liabilities and Shareholder's Equity

Accrued interest and other liabilities                              $   243,123
Deferred income taxes                                                20,674,000
Subordinated debentures                                              11,000,000
   Total liabilities                                                 31,917,123
Shareholder's equity
 Common stock, $1 par value: authorized 5,000,000 shares;
  issued and outstanding, 1,000,000 shares                            1,000,000
 Additional capital                                                  15,606,949
 Undistributed net investment income                                  1,039,565
 Accumulated net realized loss on investments                          (816,467)
 Unrealized appreciation of investments - net of deferred
  income taxes                                                       39,089,474
   Shareholder's equity                                              55,919,521
    Total                                                           $87,836,644

                (See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements)

           (wholly-owned subsidiary of Capital Southwest Corporation)
                             Statement of Operations
                        Three Months Ended June 30, 1996

Investment income:
 Interest                                                              $266,681
 Dividends                                                              313,791
Operating expenses:
 Interest                                                               235,613
 Management fee                                                          32,103
 Miscellaneous                                                            4,853
Net investment income                                                  $307,903

Net decrease in unrealized appreciation of investments
 (net of decrease in deferred income taxes of $442,000)               $(819,862)
Net realized and unrealized loss on investments                       $(819,862)

Decrease in shareholder's equity from operations                      $(511,959)

                  Statements of Changes in Shareholder's Equity
Three Months Ended Year Ended June 30, 1996 March 31, 1996 ------------- -------------- (Unaudited) Net investment income $307,903 $ 1,508,704 Net realized loss on investments - (552,240) Net increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation of investments before distribution (819,862) 12,662,525 ------------ ------------ Increase (decrease) in shareholder's equity from operations before distribution (511,959) 13,618,989 Capital contribution by Capital Southwest Corporation - 2,500,000 Distributions to Capital Southwest Corporation from: Undistributed net investment income - (1,089,251) Accumulated net realized loss on investments - (137,765) Unrealized appreciation of investments - (9,279,873) ------------ ------------- Increase (decrease) in shareholder's equity (511,959) 5,612,100 Shareholder's equity, beginning of period 56,431,480 50,819,380 ------------ ------------- Shareholder's equity, end of period $55,919,521 $56,431,480 ============ =============
(See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements) CAPITAL SOUTHWEST VENTURE CORPORATION (wholly-owned subsidiary of Capital Southwest Corporation) Statement of Cash Flows Three Months Ended June 30, 1996 (Unaudited) Cash flows from operating activities Decrease in shareholder's equity from operations $(511,959) Adjustments to reconcile decrease in shareholder's equity from operations to net cash provided by operating activities: Net realized and unrealized loss on investments 819,862 Increase in interest and dividends receivable (15,431) Decrease in other assets 1,262 Decrease in accrued interest and other liabilities (97,095) ----------- Net cash provided by operating activities 196,639 ----------- Cash flows from investing activities - ----------- Cash flows from financing activities - ----------- Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 196,639 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 9,975,795 ----------- Cash and cash equivalents at end of period $10,172,434 =========== Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information: Cash paid during the period for: Interest $ 200,548 Income taxes $ - (See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements) CAPITAL SOUTHWEST CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) 1. Basis of Presentation The accompanying consolidated financial statements, which include the accounts of Capital Southwest Corporation and its wholly-owned small business investment company subsidiary (the "Company"), have been prepared on the value basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for investment companies. All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. The financial statements included herein have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for interim financial information and the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 6 of Regulation S-X. The financial statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto included in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 1996. Certain information and footnotes normally included in financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles have been condensed or omitted, although the Company believes that the disclosures are adequate for a fair presentation. The information reflects all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring adjustments) which are, in the opinion of management, necessary for a fair presentation of the results of operations for the interim periods. 2. Summary of Per Share Information Three Months Ended June 30 1996 1995 ---- ---- Investment income $ .35 $ .35 Operating expenses (.07) (.07) Interest expense (.06) (.06) Income taxes - (.01) ------- ------- Net investment income .22 .21 Distributions from undistributed net investment income (.20) (.20) Net increase in unrealized appreciation of investments 2.20 .70 ------- ------- Increase in net asset value 2.22 .71 Net asset value: Beginning of period 50.18 39.46 ------- ------- End of period $52.40 $40.17 ======= ======= Shares outstanding at end of period (000s omitted) 3,767 3,735 Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Interest income in the three months ended June 30, 1996 decreased from the year-ago period primarily because of the repayment of debentures by portfolio companies offset somewhat by an increase in invested idle funds. During the three months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995, the Company recorded dividend income from the following sources: Three Months Ended June 30 ------- 1996 1995 ---- ---- The RectorSeal Corporation $300,000 $300,000 Alamo Group Inc. 266,000 266,000 Skylawn Corporation 150,000 - Cherokee Communications, Inc. 36,000 36,000 Westmarc Communications, Inc. 20,318 20,318 Other 30,166 23,336 --------- ---------- $802,484 $645,654 ========= ========== Set forth in the following table are the significant increases and decreases in unrealized appreciation (before the related change in deferred taxes and excluding the effect of gains or losses realized during the periods) by portfolio company: Three Months Ended June 30 ------- 1996 1995 ---- ---- Alamo Group Inc. $(4,825,000) $2,311,000 American Homestar Corporation 2,052,890 288,088 Amfibe, Inc. 600,000 - Data Race, Inc. - 812,000 Dennis Tool Company - (800,000) Encore Wire Corporation 155,000 (3,111,600) LiL' Things, Inc. (918,130) - PTS Holdings, Inc. 3,000,000 - Palm Harbor Homes, Inc. 9,350,000 - PETsMART, Inc. 3,598,210 2,454,044 Tecnol Medical Products, Inc. 252,676 551,292 During the quarter ended June 30, 1996, the Company made a new investment of $3,000,000. Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K (a) Exhibits Exhibit 27 - Financial Data Schedule (b) Reports on Form 8-K No reports on Form 8-K have been filed during the quarter for which this report is filed. SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. CAPITAL SOUTHWEST CORPORATION August 9, 1996 /s/William R. Thomas Date:_____________________ By:_________________________________________________ William R. Thomas, President August 9, 1996 /s/Tim Smith Date:_____________________ By:_________________________________________________ Tim Smith, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer EXHIBIT INDEX ------------- Exhibit Number Description -------------- ----------- Exhibit 27 Financial Data Schedule

6 This schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the consolidated statement of financial condition at June 30, 1996 (unaudited) and the consolidated statement of operations for the three months ended June 30, 1996 (unaudited) and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such financial statements. 3-MOS MAR-31-1996 JUN-30-1996 61,544,100 272,684,121 365,187 2,819,636 13,903,074 289,772,018 0 11,000,000 81,370,317 92,370,317 0 9,017,537 3,767,051 3,767,051 4,553,662 0 53,307,782 0 137,556,022 197,401,701 802,484 369,947 157,100 494,833 816,698 0 8,290,660 9,107,358 0 753,410 0 0 0 0 0 8,353,948 4,490,374 53,307,782 0 0 0 235,613 494,833 0 50.18 .22 2.20 (.20) 0 0 52.40 0 0 0